mobiReady is a free testing tool for mobile web developers, designers and marketers to evaluate a website's mobile-readiness using industry best practices and standards.

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The mobiReady score represents how well a particular webpage will do across the spectrum of mobile internet devices. The scoring system is between 0 and 5, with 5 being a top score. The higher a webpage scores on mobiReady the more capable it will be of performing well and providing a quality user experience on different mobile device types. Low scoring webpages may be slow to load, of poor design or include components that will break the user experience on mobile devices.
The mobiReady score is designed to be a reflection of the best industry guidelines in this area. The tests themselves are based on W3C standards, as well as Yahoo's YSlow and Google's Page Speed guidelines. The set of tests evolves over time, to reflect new technologies and emerging best practices, so an untended site will likely experience a gradually declining score.
Three device types are emulated to measure how the tested webpage performs across the range of mobile devices. The three tiers are generically labelled "high tier", "mid tier" and "low tier". There is also a "reference device" which is used to represent a typical mobile Internet device based on usage, the reference criteria used to produce this device image will change as devices become more capable.
Due to the complexity of webpages there are scenarios when a mobiReady score may change between tests. If the webpage being tested loads dynamic content (say a Twitter feed or context specific adverts) then the page may perform differently between different page loads. If the page makes heavy use of AJAX to load data and elements this too can affect how the page performs and how it scores. In addition, testing a page from two different geographies may yield different results, due to different content being served based on IP address.
Each test failure listed in the mobiReady results includes a "Details" link to a relevant article on the mobiForge website. Following the advice there will help eradicate the problem which caused the test failure. Another key factor of mobiReady scoring is website weight, how much data much be downloaded to show a webpage. Focusing on reducing page weight can drastically improve a webpage's user experience and in turn improve its mobiReady score.
mobiReady utilises Chrome in the back end to download the page assets and check the sizes. Chrome was selected for this purpose since it provides good consistency of results and performance, while being widely adopted. In order to represent the total download size, all content downloaded is included. Hence where JavaScript redirects are used, the total download size includes content downloaded before the final page is reached. This is considered to be a more accurate representation of the end user experience, even though it may not represent the precise profile of a specific page. (In order to test a page independently of the journey taken to the page, enter the direct URL of the page of interest). Note that the measurement window is set to five seconds: pages that take longer than this to load will not be completely measured.
Within the framework of the mobiReady scoring system there is a small amount of subjectivity - areas where we have chosen to take a stand in the defense of best possible practices in producing web content for mobile internet consumption. But generally speaking the mobiReady score is a fair and accurate reflection of the best industry guidelines in this area. The tests themselves are based on W3C standards, as well as Yahoo's YSlow rules and Google's PageSpeed guidelines.
The following are possible causes:
  1. Invalid URL: check that the URL you entered is correct.
  2. Non-standard redirect usage: there may be redirects in use which prevent mobiReady from being able to access the site fully. It would be recommended to ensure that redirects are used minimally, since these can significantly affect website performance. For more information, see
  3. Certain web pages may take too long to load, or use technologies which cannot be analysed by the Chrome engine used by mobiReady.
Signing up to mobiReady gives you easy access to your past test results, letting you track performance and improvements over time. Registered users can also download PDF reports of their test results, ideally for sharing with your team. And signing up provides easy access to the mobiReady API, a great way to integrate mobiReady scores into your own reporting and analytics.
The first is the 'Transferred' weight. This measures the total content transferred to the browser, which may be reduced due to compression. The second is the 'Actual' page weight, uncompressed. This may be more than the transferred weight for two reasons: firstly, due to compression, and secondly, because page content may have been sent to the device prior to a redirect occurring, and it is the final page weight which is shown in the second figure. (Tip: a JavaScript redirect to a mobile page may not provide a good user experience if a significant amount of content has to be loaded before the redirect executes.)
The approach taken is as follows: the page is deemed to be loaded 4 seconds after the last item ceases/starts[?] to load, and in addition there is a cut-off after 20 seconds. Hence very large pages may have an undercount on the pageweight figures.
Most ads are included, but ads which load in an iFrame are not included in the current version. Hence the page weight provided can be lower than the actual page weight delivered to the site visitor. (Note that ads can be different for different visitors, and hence page weights can vary significantly on each load due to this)

Possible causes:

  1. A URL which is valid in format but for which no site exists.
  2. A valid URL and site, but that is not connectible by mobiReady servers.
  3. The page is not a valid markup (HTML), such as a css js or swf file.